Tile in a hallway

News Crossville Studio’s Offers Online Resources and Tools for Interior Designers

Jan 17, 2022
Wherever designers are looking for product information and project inspiration, Crossville Studios is there. From our own website to social media platforms, Crossville Studios is on the case to connect with contractors, installers and designers.

Crossville Studios Website

We’ve long been committed to making the crossvillestudios.com experience for contractors and designers extremely practical, enjoyable, and beneficial. Our goals in incorporating a range of web-based resources and digital tools are to make the specification process more simple and empower designers to select tile with confidence for both commercial and residential projects. Available online 24/7, designers can tap into these great tools at their convenience—from any location.

Crossville Studios Surface Club

Get below the surface by becoming a Crossville Studios Surface Club Member today. Expand your reach and get the credit you deserve for all your hard work. Sign up today for special promos and member exclusives.


Crossville Studios Newsletter

Receive important product updates, industry trends and educational info, as well as national and local events happening in your area. Sign up today!

Social Media Resources, Too!

To be sure we meet contractors, installers and designers wherever they are looking for ideas, we also keep our social media channels filled with inspiration and information. 

Facebook (@CrossvilleStudios)



If you’re a Pinterest pinner, then Crossville Studios boards are your place for ideas. From colors to applications and trends to installations, it’s easy to get inspired by tile and follow the creativity for more ideas.



We keep our feed and Stories filled with lots of beautiful visuals. Follow us and scroll for all the tile style.


Crossville Studios is not only a great source for the latest surfacing products but we also offer the technical support, design tools, and practical inspiration to bring your spaces to life. If you are starting a new project, remember to visit your nearest showroom to help ensure you get the product and support you need for each and every design